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Technological bonuses

Basic technologies

In SpaceDestiny you have three basic technologies which reinforce the attack, shield and armour of your spaceships and defenses.

Each level gives you 10% of the basic level of your spaceship/defense.

Specific technologies

Specific technologies are related to spaceships or defenses they've unlocked. Exemple :

As you probably guesses, the specific technologies are laser, ion, plasma and graviton :

  • Laser : increases attack by 2.5 per level on the base unity (weapon).
  • Ions : increases shield by 2.5% per level on the base unity (shield).
  • Plasma : increases attack by 5% and shield by 2.5% per level on the base unity (weapon and shield)
  • Graviton : increases attack by 5% and shield by 5% per level on the base unity (weapon and shield)
bonus_technologiques.txt · Dernière modification: 2015/09/15 20:28 par zortel