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Are you ready for a travel through the galaxy ? Will your appetite for destruction lead you to glory ? Do spatial battles inspire you ? If your aswer is yes to those three questions, it means you are ready to take on the universe, going for planets, galaxies, always looking out for enemy spaceships, going right to your destiny !

SpaceDestiny is plunged into a futuristic world, you will have to handle and manage your planets and conquests, improve the buildings you have built, develop the cultural strenght of your empire while making sure that you have a powerful army. You will start with a single planet, your planet, that only awaits for a rich and talented sovereign. Planets need you, they are waiting for you !

This Wiki is a guide. It will take you through the clockworks of the game, explaining you how the game works, giving you strategies and pieces of advice, so that you can extend your intergalactic empire, prosper, and rule the universe !

SpaceDestiny description
In a near future, in the outer limits of space, battles are waiting for you to fight.
You are a warlord, a rich merchant or a macabre pirate engaged in a ruthless fight to defend your world…quench your desire of honnor and glory by becoming master of the universe, right now!

SpaceDestiny is a browser futuristic and very tactical management game (no downloading).

Game forum

accueil.txt · Dernière modification: 2015/09/28 13:27 par lysistrata